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San Diego, CA — Across the country brave individuals provide a much needed service to society by launching undercover stings to ensnare child predators. These vigilante groups pose as children online and allow the predators to do all the talking as not to entrap them before scheduling a meeting and exposing the pedophiles.

The template for these encounters usually involves the alleged pedophile showing up to meet who they think is a child, and meeting the pedophile hunter instead. This is the same method employed by the highly popular show To Catch a Predator. 

The group People vs. Preds is one of the most successful of these organizations and has a record of dozens of confrontations in just the last few months — highlighting the serious problem of online predators attempting to meet children. One of the alleged predators to be ensnared by their tactics is making headlines this week as his job consisted of locking up people, for the very crimes he was caught committing.

Their latest pedophile take down was a top level official with the San Diego Sheriff's Department who has been there for 25 years. Sergeant Luis Rios was communicating with PVP for months, according to the outlet, as they pretended to be an under age boy. The online sting came to a head on Friday as PVP confronted Rios in a parking lot as he waited to meet the boy.

That boy never came, however, as he doesn't exist and was merely a fake persona created and used to catch this child predator. As the video below shows, Rios is caught completely off guard and denies being himself.

He says he is in the parking lot waiting on McDonald's while he was actually waiting to meet a little boy for sex. As the cameraman continues to question Rios, the top cop decides that he's had enough and speeds off as the cameraman chases after him.

After the video was posted over the weekend, the sheriff's department was forced to respond saying they “took immediate action” after the allegations surfaced by placing him on administrative assignment.

“We take these allegations very seriously and will do a thorough investigation into the matter,” the statement read.

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As the San Diego Union-Tribune reports, acting Sheriff Kelly Martinez reportedly sent a letter to sheriff’s employees Friday night in which she acknowledged “an incident on the internet that an employee of the Sheriff’s department engaged in potential criminal activity,” according to a screenshot of the letter posted by The Activated Podcast on Twitter.

“I am writing you tonight to let you know that all allegations of misconduct, criminal activity or other violation of public trust by one of our own, will be investigated immediately and thoroughly,” the letter read.

Below is that video.

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These vigilante child predator hunters provide a much needed service to society. While police focus on arresting people for arbitrary substances deemed illegal by the state, folks like PVP and others are out there putting fear in the minds of predators. What's more, as this case illustrates, cops are caught in these stings all the time.

Last year, we reported on a cop out of Charlotte County, Florida, Charlotte County Deputy Marty Allen, 41, was arrested after pedophile hunters caught him in the act of soliciting a child for sexual relations.

We also reported on Officer Clifford Horn, 54, of Chalfont, PA, who was busted by "the Ped Patrol" and his arrest was livestreamed directly to YouTube as he attempted to have sex with a 14-year-old boy..

Just months before that, a vigilante group known as Waits List caught a cop at an elementary school, identified in the video as "Alan Reese."

Before that, we reported on Stow Police Chief Ralph Marino who was caught on video attempting to meet a boy he thought was 14.