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Anonymous has now launched the second phase of #OpIcarus, touted as a massive push against “the Global Banking Cartel” — and the first target, the Bank of Greece, came under heavy DDoS attack on Tuesday.

“The attack lasted for a few minutes and was successfully tackled by the bank’s security systems,” an unnamed official with Bank of Greece reportedly toldReuters.

According to CNet, the bank’s website policy section was the only thing directly affected by the distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack and was quickly brought back online — at least, according to the bank.

According to a video released in conjunction with OpIcarus, the attack on Bank of Greece marked the beginning of a “30-day campaign against central bank sites across the world.” This massive push, according to the video, aims to “strike at the heart of [the] empire by once again throw[ing] a wrench into the machine.”


A ">second video uploaded to YouTube explains the campaign further:

“Here is our message to the monolithic conspiracy running the world as we know it, our message is clear:

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“We will not let the banks win; we will be attacking the banks with one of the most massive attacks ever seen in the history of Anonymous.

“We will be giving tools to each and every Anon all over the world, and we will be holding down PayPal, Mastercard, Visa, NASDAQ, Bank for International Settlements, all central banks, IMF, London Stock Exchange, and every major banking system will be targeted by Anonymous.”


Included in a list of institutions the collective plans to target, divided into four sections, are websites associated with the U.S. Federal Reserve, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), sites owned by the World Bank, and over 150 sites associated with national banks around the globe.

At the end of March, Anonymous outlined its plans to launch OpIcarus [reEngaged] in a ">call to arms stating, “We have shown the World our strength to deny ignorance, overcome adversity, fight oppression and even the power to throw a wrench in the system that perpetuates it [...]

“Like Icarus, the powers that be have flown too close to the sun, and the time has come to set the wings of their empire ablaze, and watch the system their power relies on come to a grinding halt and come crashing down around them.”


As the monthlong campaign continues, Anonymous will be reporting on its progress.